WEBADASI PORTAL Membership Agreement
Web Adasi provides web hosting to clients worldwide, and we have a responsibility to protect each client and to provide the best services available. All clients of Web Adasi are subject to the following terms of service:
This WEBADASI.Com Portal Membership Agreement (All together will be referred to as the contract), which consists of this contract and the documents, annexes and explanations referred to in the contract and which are an integral part of the contract (All explanations regarding the use of services within the Portal), WEBADASI (Beytullah ÖZENİR) residing in CENTER / DÜZCE. (Hereinafter briefly referred to as |WEBADASI|). (Hereinafter briefly referred to as |WEBADASI|) With the electronic approval of the Member while becoming a member of the www.WEBADASI.com portal, it has been mutually accepted and entered into force.
|Buyer By using the Secure Electronic Commerce service specified in this agreement;
|Member, which is a real or legal person who purchases goods and services offered for sale by the Seller through the Secure Electronic Commerce System:
|The service provided by |WEBADASI| within the conditions specified in this contract for the performance of the payment part ofthe sales contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller. Secure Account: The pool account at the bank managed by |WEBADASI| for the performance of the payment obligation in the Secure Electronic Commerce System.
|Member: Real and/or legal persons who are members of the www.WEBADASI.com portal and benefit from the services offered within the portal under the conditions specified in this agreement. User: Every real and legal person who accesses theSITE online (on-line).
|Seller|: By using the |Secure Electronic Commerce service specified in this agreement
|A real and/or legal person who offers for sale goods and/or services that he/she has the right and authorization to make all kinds of dispositions on it in a legally uncontested manner for members. |Member|. |Portal|: The website consisting of the domain name www.WEBADASI.com and subdomains connected to this domain name. |WEBADASI Membership Account: Where the Member carries out the works and transactions necessary to benefit from the services offered in the portal,
|Member-specific internet page accessed through the SITE with the username and password that the Member determines and undertakes to be used exclusively by the Member, where the Member can make requests to the WEBADASI on matters related to the Member, update the Member information and view reports on the services offered. Advertisement Programs: By |WEBADASI
|The advertisement(s) to be included in the Portal, the scope of which is generally described in Appendix-2, which is an integral part of the Portal and this contract, which contains detailed information such as technical specifications, location in the Portal, publication time, sales price, payment terms on the WEBADASI Membership Page, and which the Member can personalize in line with the Member's own preferences by giving the Member the opportunity to choose from the information. WEBADASI Services (Briefly |Service|): The applications put forward by |WEBADASI| in order to enable the Members to perform the business and transactions defined in this contract within the portal. |WEBADASI|, on the applications put forward in the portal
|WEBADASI| may make changes and/or adaptations to the |Services at any time in order to enable the Members to perform the works and transactions defined in this Agreement more effectively. The rules and conditions that the Members are obliged to comply with regarding these changes and/or adaptations made by |WEBADASI| are related by |WEBADASI|.
|It is announced to the Members on the website where there are explanations about the use of the Service.
Subject of Contract and Parties
The subject of this agreement is the determination of the services offered on the portal, the terms of utilization of these services and the rights and obligations of the parties. The scope of this agreement is this agreement and its annexes and the use, membership and services within the portal.
All statements such as warnings, writings and explanations made by |WEBADASI|.
|By accepting the provisions of this agreement, the user also accepts all kinds of statements made by |WEBADASI| regarding the use, membership and services within the portal. The User accepts, declares and undertakes to act in accordance with all kinds of matters specified in the aforementioned statements.
Membership Service Terms of Use
4-1Membership is completed by the person who wants to become a user from the relevant section of the portal by filling out the membership form required to become a member of the portal, providing identity information, confirming the accuracy of the identity information, if the service to be used in the membership form is a paid service, the registration process iscompleted by paying the fee and the registration process is completed by the approval of the registration process by |WEBADASI. Without completing the membership process, the right and authorization to become a Member defined in thiscontract cannot be obtained.
|If it is determined by |WEBADASI| that the Member's transactions or the situation arising as a result of the transactions constitutes a risk in accordance with the information security system of |WEBADASI| or in line with the commercial decisions of |WEBADASI|, it will be given at the will of |WEBADASI|.
|While using the services of the portal and performing any transaction related to the services on the portal, it accepts that it will act in accordance with all the terms contained in this agreement, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the portal regardingthe service it uses and all applicable legislation, and that it understands and approves all the terms and rules stated above.
|Ensure the security of the username and password they use to log in to the WEBADASI Membership Account, ensure that they are used exclusively and exclusively by themselves, and ensure that they are kept away from the knowledge of thirdparties.
|It is the responsibility of the members. Members cannot change the username they have set.
|Members shall be liable for all damages incurred or to be incurred by other Members, WEBADASI and/or third parties due to all negligence and faults in matters such as the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, exclusive and exclusive use of the username and password.
|WEBADASI| is not obliged and responsible to investigate the accuracy of the information and content transmitted to |WEBADASI| by the Members or uploaded, modified and provided by them through the Portal; to undertake and guarantee that this information and content is safe, accurate and lawful, and to ensure that the publication of these contents over the internet or the sale and display of products related to these contents does not constitute an illegal situation, and cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise due to the inaccuracy or inaccuracy of such information and content or itspublication.
|WEBADASI| may terminate the membership of the Member who enters this message and content without any notice.|Members may use the messaging system on the portal only for the purpose of fulfilling their activities on the portal.
|Pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs and lists within the Portal that may constitute an infringement of the real or personal rights and assets of the WEBPAGE and/or another third party
will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process or upload the contents specified in this article on
|Portal| in a way that may have such consequences; accepts and undertakes that it will not compete directly and / or indirectly with |WEBADASI| both with these actions and in other ways. Due to the damages that third parties have suffered or may suffer due to the activities on |Portal| carried out by the Member in violation of the provisions of this agreement and the law
|WEBADASI cannot be held responsible directly and/or indirectly in any way.
|WEBADASI| does not undertake and guarantee the security, accuracy and legality of the services and contents provided by thirdparties, including Members.
|WEBADASI does not have any authority and responsibility regarding these measures and procedures, and that he/she shall beliable for any damages suffered or may be suffered by other Members, |WEBADASI and/or third parties due to all negligence and defects that will result in the failure to fulfill the measures and procedures within the scope specified in this article.
|Portal reserves the right to make the information and content uploaded by members to the system inaccessible to thirdparties, including all |Portal users, and to delete them.
|WEBADASI| may exercise this right without any notice or prior notice.
|Members are obliged to fulfill the changes and/or corrections requested by |WEBADASI| immediately. The changes and/orcorrections requested by |WEBADASI| may be made by
|WEBADASI| if deemed necessary. Any damages, legal and criminal liabilities that arise or may arise due to the failure of the users to fulfill the changes and/or corrections requested by |WEBADASI| in a timely manner belong entirely to the users.
5.2.3 |WEBADASI|, the content uploaded by the Members on the Portal or regarding the membership
|Member may use the information of the Member in any way it wishes for the security of the Member, for the performance of its own obligations and for some statistical evaluations. It may classify and store them in a database.
WEBADASI reserves the right to act independently of the rule specified in this article in line with membership information, member transactions and similar information. WEBADASI has the right to request a photocopy of identity card, statement, receipt or tax plate from the user who makes the payment for the right to membership.
|WEBADASI| Services and Terms of Use
|In |WEBADASI |Portal, the scope and conditions of use determined by this agreement
|will provide services to the Members. |The main objectives of the services provided by
|WEBADASI |The marketing of the content that the Member will upload through the WEBADASI Member Account in a way that may be subject to legal transactions such as the purchase, lease or exchange of the goods and services that the Members are legally authorized to dispose of by the relevant persons for a certain price, through the display of the content to be uploaded through the SITE in the form of advertisements in the manner chosen by the Member, promoting and advertising, using the Secure Electronic Commerce System specified in this agreement between the members, within the framework of theconditions specified in the advertisements exhibited on the SITE, through the SITE.
|Ensuring the sale and collection of the payment of the products that the members have the authority to dispose of.
|WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account|WEBADASI Membership Account
|WEBADASI Membership Account |WEBADASI Membership Account
|WEBADASI accepts, declares and undertakes to publish the advertisement / advertisements of the Member within theframework of the explanations made in the Membership Account.
Member in line with the selections made by the Member through the |WEBADASI Member Account in accordance with the Listing Program; will post the said advertisements on the Portal as specified in the Listing Program
The |WEBADASI| shall freely determine and determine the criteria, conditions and periods for evaluating the request for publication of the advertisement created by the Member in accordance with the |Advertisement Programs and shall publish these criteria and conditions in the section of the Portal regarding the |Advertisement Programs.
|WEBADASI| will not make any refund to the Member in return for the return invoice for the aforementioned situation, and likewise the Member will not make any refund to the Member in the relevant case.
|It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not demand and sue from |WEBADASI for the refund of the price it has paid for the Advertisement Program.
|Member expressly declares and accepts in this contract that he / she authorizes
|WEBADASI| in this regard.
|WEBADASI Membership Account, bind him irrevocably.
|For Members, |WEBADASI| may, without any notice to the Member, suspend the Membership of the Member, remove the Member from the Membership, temporarily suspend the Member from the Membership, unilaterally terminate this agreement without any refund obligation.
advertisements contrary to any legislation, including but not limited to those regulating consumer protection, intellectual rights, unfair competition, advertising issues, and declarations contrary to these legislations in its advertisements; It accepts, declares and undertakes that there will be no visuals such as pictures, videos.
|WEBADASI accepts, declares and undertakes to pay the price of |The Advertisement Program| as specified in the |The Advertisement Program|.
|The customer is required to pay the fees specified in the Stores section of the Portal, to comply with the terms and conditions specified in this section, and to accept, declare and undertake to comply with the terms and conditions specified in the Annex-7 Store Usage Rules document.
|If |WEBADASI is notified, it is the system described in detail in this agreement and its annexes and portal, which are an integral part of this agreement, which ensures that the product price transferred by the Buyer to the Secure Account of |WEBADASI is returned to the Buyer within the framework of the conditions specified in this agreement. The followingprovisions are subject to the following terms and conditions
|It regulates the rights and obligations of |Members who have the title of |Buyer and |Seller and the status of |WEBADASI against these rights and obligations. |Sellers who benefit from the |WEBADASI| SECURE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SERVICE must also comply with the obligations specified in Article 6.1 of this agreement. The provisions specified inArticle 6.1 of this agreement shall also be validly applied in the advertisements entered into the system by the sellers whobenefit from the secure electronic commerce service.
|The purchase request of the products and services of the Seller whose advertisements are shown on the portal;
|WEBADASI| makes it using the infrastructure of the internet portal. |Buyer's |Portal
The nature of the purchase request made by |WEBADASI using the infrastructure of the internet portal; By accepting all the terms and conditions regarding the sale of the goods and services specified in the advertisement, it means that a sales contractbetween |Seller| and |Buyer| is established with the purchase request. |Buyer| accepts and undertakes to purchase the productand service related to this purchase request.
specifying the price at which he wants to purchase the product by using the Make Offer button. This offer by the Buyer must be made within the offer ranges determined by the Seller.
the contract is established between the parties. The acceptance statement is sent to the Buyer's e-mail address via thesystem and is simultaneously displayed in the Buyer's
|WEBADASI Membership Account. |Seller must make the acceptance or rejection statement using the |WEBADASI Membership Account. |WEBADASI has no responsibility for acceptance or rejection statements made without using the |WEBADASI Membership Account.
|In the event that the product price agreed by the parties is not deposited by the Buyer to WEBADASI's Secure Account within 3 (three) business days after the acceptance of the offer made by the Buyer in the manner specified in this article, the agreement between the parties will be deemed to be terminated automatically. (last), the Offer price specified in Article (last) is not deposited into the WEBADASI Secure Account within the time limit, the identity of the Seller is not certain, the product subject to the sale does not reach the Buyer within the period specified by the Seller after the conclusion of the contract between the parties as specified in Articles and of this contract, or
|Defined as the inability to reach the seller.
|In the event that |WEBADASI is realized in other forms other than the Secure Account of
|WEBADASI, WEBADASI has no responsibility for the Secure Electronic Commerce Service specified in this contract; The rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller are not subject to the provisions specified in this contract. |WEBADASI may offer the Buyer the convenience of payment in installments by acting with contracted banks in the performance of the money debt. In this case, the conditions regarding the relevant installment payment are announced by |WEBADASI| to the Buyerfrom the relevant section of the SITE during the payment. If the Buyer decides to pay in installments, he / she also accepts theconditions specified in the relevant section of the Portal.
|WEBADASI accepts and undertakes that it will notify through the WEBADASI Membership Account, or if it does not accept the product sent to it by the |Seller, it will return the product to the |Seller and notify through the |WEBADASI Membership Account to return the product price to it. If the Buyer sends the product back to the |Seller for any reason, the sales price of therelevant product held in the Secure Account can only
|In the event that the Seller notifies the WEBADASI Membership Account that the Seller has received the product back, it will be returned to the Buyer's account. If the Buyer does not fulfill the above-mentioned obligations, it will be deemed to have accepted the product sent to it by the Seller by WEBADASI and the product price for the goods in question in the SecuredAccount will be transferred to the Seller without any warning.
|accept and declare that they will be deemed to have made a notification via the WEBADASI Membership Account
The buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that it will fulfill the transactions specified in this article in accordance with theprocesses in Annex-1, which is an integral part of this contract, and the explanations and periods made on the subject withinthe portal. of this Agreement, |WEBADASI accepts and declares that |WEBADASI does not make any transactions and savings onbehalf of |WEBADASI on the money of |Buyer and/or
|Seller in the Secure Account in this process.
|WEBADASI is not in direct and indirect relationship with him in any capacity regarding the supply and sale of products and services.
|WEBADASI in front of all kinds of judicial, commercial and administrative authorities against the requests made to |WEBADASI in this direction.
|Buyer and
|Buyer accepts and declares that the purchase and sale transaction between |Buyer, i.e. the physical delivery of the product or service by the seller and acceptance by |Buyer, will be transmitted by |Buyer to be blocked until the completion of the acceptance by |Buyer.
|Seller, after agreeing with |Buyer on the procedure for sending the goods and services, within the process and period specifiedin Annex-1, which is an integral part of this contract
|Buyer accepts and undertakes that the Buyer may take delivery of the product and notify
|WEBADASI for the product price in the Secure Account to be transferred to the Seller's account, or may not accept the product or service sent to him by |Seller and return the product or service to |Seller and notify |WEBADASI for the return of the product or service price to him. |The |Seller accepts and declares that if the |Buyer fails to fulfill the above- mentioned obligations of the |Buyer, |WEBADASI will assume that the |Buyer has accepted the product and service sent by the |Seller to the |Buyer and that the product price for the goods in question in the Secured Account will be deemed to have been notifiedto the
|WEBADASI for the transmission of the product price to the |Seller by the |Buyer without the need for any warning. |The Seller accepts, declares and undertakes that it will fulfill the transactions specified in this article in accordance with the processes in Annex-1, which is an integral part of this contract, and the explanations and periods made on the subject within the Portal. of the Seller after fulfilling its obligations specified in article
|WEBADASI|e and will only be transferred to a bank account within the borders of Turkey, on the money of the Buyer and / orSeller in the Secured Account in this process
|WEBADASI accepts and declares that it does not make any transactions and savings on its behalf.
|It accepts and undertakes to comply with the obligations within the framework of the explanations made in the relevant sectionof the Portal regarding the services defined by
|WEBADASI| within the scope of this article and announced in the relevant section of the Portal.
legal design on it without any dispute.
|WEBADASI reserves the right to stop the advertisement and listing of the relevant prohibited product and service for sale, to terminate the membership of the Member who offers the prohibited product and service for sale, and to terminate this contract without notice.
|Member without the necessity of prior warning to the Member (especially in the sale of stolen, smuggled and counterfeitproducts). |Member agrees and undertakes not to hold
|WEBADASI| responsible in any capacity and not to claim compensation in the event that
|WEBADASI| suffers damage as a result of complaint and/or information provision in connection with the sale of prohibited products and services. |Member agrees and undertakes in advance to cover the litigation obligations of |WEBADASI|, including compensation and attorney's fees that may arise in the event of compensation claims from third parties or institutions arising from the same reason. |Member accepts and declares that all of the products exhibited on the portal are products that have been subjected to customs clearance and entered free circulation in accordance with the import legislationand regime of the Republic of Turkey, customs laws, legislation and regime.
|WEBADASI| will not accept any legal responsibility for comments found in user profiles.
|They accept and declare that they will compensate all damages incurred by |WEBADASI and that |WEBADASI has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally and without notice and terminate the membership of the Member.
|In the event that the member transfers or makes available the member profile created for him/her to someone else, the members
|WEBADASI has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally and without notice and
|They accept and declare that they have the right to terminate the membership of the Member.
|WEBADASI| will announce the service fees and payment terms related to the |Advertising Services, |Secure Payment Service and additional services specified under this agreement in the relevant sections of the Portal. Changes to the service fees will become effective 7 days after the change is announced and will be valid until the expiration date of the campaign if there is acampaign related to the fee. |Unless otherwise stated on the portal, all fees to be charged for the services on the portal will be calculated and collected in Turkish Lira (TL). |WEBADASI| may collect the services charged within the portal in various forms (credit card, postal check, WEBADASI credit, bank transfer, eft, etc.). These procedures are specified in the explanations made in the relevant sections of the portal. Members are obliged to make fee payments in accordance with theexplanations specified herein.
|WEBADASI| may use the information about the Members in the Portal within the scope of the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the contract and is included in Annex-4 of this contract.
|WEBADASI| may disclose or use the confidential information of Members to third parties only under the conditions specifiedin the Privacy Policy.
|WEBADASI DATABASE|, |WEBADASI INTERFACE|, design, text, images, html code and other code) (collectivelyreferred to as the copyrighted works of |WEBADASI|) are owned by ||WEBADASI| and/or licensed by |WEBADASI| from a third party. |Members may use |WEBADASI| services, |WEBADASI| information and
They do not have the right to resell, process, share, share, distribute, display, or allow anyone else to access or use the services of ||WEBADASI| subject to copyright. Within these Portal Terms of Use
Except as expressly permitted by |WEBADASI|, you may not reproduce, process, distribute or prepare derivative works of |WEBADASI|'s copyrighted works. Within these Portal Terms of Use
Unless expressly authorized by |WEBADASI|, |WEBADASI| reserves all rights to
|WEBADASI| services, |WEBADASI| information, |WEBADASI| copyrighted works,
|WEBADASI| trademarks, |WEBADASI| trade dress or other assets and information provided through this portal.
|No compensation under any name shall be claimed from WEBADASI. The term force majeure; natural disaster, riot, war, strike, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, system
including but not limited to improvement or renovation works and failures that may occur for this reason, power outages andbad weather conditions, shall be interpreted as unavoidable events beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party and which |WEBADASI cannot prevent despite due diligence.
|WEBADASI accepts, declares and undertakes that the electronic and system records, commercial records, book records, microfilm, microfiche and computer records kept by WEBADASI in its own database, servers will constitute valid, binding, conclusive and exclusive evidence, that it releases WEBADASI from the oath offer and that this article is an evidence contract within the meaning of Article 287 of the HUMK. It accepts, declares and undertakes that this article is in the nature of an evidential contract within the meaning of Article 287.
Effectiveness This agreement and the documents and annexes referred to in the agreement and which are an integral part of theagreement (collectively referred to as the agreement) have been mutually accepted and entered into force upon the Member's elect